AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > Member List

This is the complete list of members for AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >, including all inherited members.
_DimAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_EquationsAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_ErrorValueAMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_GhostsAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_HierarchyAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_interpolationAMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_solverAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [protected]
AMRBase()AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline]
AMRGFMInterpolation(gfm_solver_type &solver)AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline]
AMRInterpolation()AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
ArrayCombine(const int &TargetNode, const int &Nvalues, DataType *dat)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
BF()AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline]
BF() const AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline]
bool_grid_fct_type typedefAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >
CellCoords(GridHierarchy &GH, const Coords &ss, const int &nc, const int *idx, point_type *xc)Geom< VectorType::InternalDataType, dim > [inline]
CellIndices(GridHierarchy &GH, const Coords &ss, const int &nc, const point_type *xc, int *idx)Geom< VectorType::InternalDataType, dim > [inline]
DataAllScatter(int Nsnd, const VectorType *snd, int &Nrcv, VectorType *&rcv)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
DataAllScatter(int Nsnd, const DataType *snd, int &Nrcv, DataType *&rcv)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
Dim() const AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline]
ErrorValue() const AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
finish()AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline, virtual]
Geom()Geom< VectorType::InternalDataType, dim > [inline]
GetGrid(vec_grid_data_type &gdu, const int &Time, const int &Level, const int &c, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xcl, VectorType *uvl)AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline, virtual]
GetGrid(grid_data_type &gdu, const int &Time, const int &Level, const int &c, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xcl, DataType *uvl)AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline, virtual]
AMRInterpolation::GetGrid(grid_data_type &gdu, const int &Time, const int &Level, const int &c, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xcl, DataType *uvl)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline, virtual]
GFM(const int &n)AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline]
gfm_solver_type typedefAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >
gfm_type typedefAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >
GH()AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline]
GH() const AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline]
grid_data_type typedefAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >
grid_fct_type typedefAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >
init()AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline, virtual]
Interpolation_()AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
Interpolation_() const AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
interpolation_type typedefAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >
LocalList(GridHierarchy &GH, const BBox &bb, const int &nc, const point_type *xc, bool *lused)Geom< VectorType::InternalDataType, dim > [inline]
LocalPoints(vec_grid_fct_type &u, const int &Time, const int &Level, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, bool *lused)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
LocalPoints(grid_fct_type &u, const int &Time, const int &Level, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, bool *lused)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
LocCtrlAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
NEquations() const AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline]
NGFM()AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline]
NGhosts() const AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline]
point_type typedefAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >
PointsAllGather(int Nsnd, const point_type *snd, int &Nrcv, point_type *&rcv)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
PointsGeom(grid_fct_type &phi, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, point_type *normal, DataType *distance)AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline]
PointsGeom(grid_fct_type &phi, const int &Time, const int &Level, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, point_type *normal, DataType *distance)AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline]
PointsGeomPar(grid_fct_type &phi, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, point_type *normal, DataType *distance)AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline]
PointsValues(vec_grid_fct_type &u, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, VectorType *uv, const point_type *xct=0)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
PointsValues(vec_grid_fct_type &u, const int &Time, const int &Level, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, VectorType *uv, const point_type *xct=0)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
PointsValues(grid_fct_type &u, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, DataType *uv, const point_type *xct=0)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
PointsValues(grid_fct_type &u, const int &Time, const int &Level, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, DataType *uv, const point_type *xct=0)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
PointsValuesPar(vec_grid_fct_type &u, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, VectorType *uv)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
PointsValuesPar(grid_fct_type &u, const double &t, const int &Npoints, const point_type *xc, DataType *uv)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
register_at(ControlDevice &Ctrl)AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline, virtual]
register_at(ControlDevice &Ctrl, const std::string &prefix)AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline, virtual]
SetErrorValue(const DataType val)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
SetInterpolation(interpolation_type *inter)AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline]
SetupData(GridHierarchy *gh, const int &ghosts)AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline, virtual]
update()AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline, virtual]
vec_grid_data_type typedefAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >
vec_grid_fct_type typedefAMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >
~AMRBase()AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [inline, virtual]
~AMRGFMInterpolation()AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim > [inline, virtual]
~AMRInterpolation()AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim > [inline, virtual]
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