Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AbsoluteError< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Computes the absolute error
AMRAccumulation< DataType, dim >Accumulate post-processing data on a scalar grid function
AMRBase< VectorType, dim >Generic base for PDE classes
AMRCoupledGFMSolver< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Derived AMRSolver class for implementing ghost fluid schemes with coupling to other solvers
AMRELCGFMSolver< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Derived AMRSolver class for implementing ghost fluid schemes with Eulerian-Lagrangian coupling
AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim >Generic class for flux-correction at hanging nodes
AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Generic base-class for flagging
AMRGFMInterpolation< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Interpolation/extrapolation of point values from GridFunction for ghost fluid methods
AMRGFMSolver< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Derived AMRSolver class for implementing ghost fluid schemes
AMRGridAccumulation< DataType, dim >Accumulate post-processing data on a fixed uniform grid
AMRInterpolation< VectorType, dim >Interpolation of point values from GridFunction
AMRPreAdaptSolver< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >An adaptive solver with a predefined adaption
AMRSolver< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Generic implementation of the Berger-Oliger method
AMRSolverBase< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Generic base-class for an adaptive method
AMRStatistics< VectorType, InterpolationType, OutputType, dim >
BCSide< DataType >
BoundaryConditions< VectorType, dim >Generic base-class for boundary-conditions
BrepOutOps< VectorType, 2 >
BrepOutOps< VectorType, 3 >
BrepOutput< VectorType, dim >
ByValue< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Trivial flagging above or below a certain value
CPTLevelSet< DataType, dim >Transformation of an externally maintained complex boundary with the closest-point-transform into a level set function
Criterion< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Generic base-class for a flagging criterion
ExactSolution< VectorType, dim >Generic base-class to compare the numerical solution with an exact one
F77AbsoluteError< VectorType, Fixup, FlagType, dim >Computes the absolute error for derived quantities using a transformation function in Fortran-77
F77BoundaryConditions< VectorType, dim >Call a dimension-dependent boundary routine in Fortran-77
F77BrepOutput< VectorType, dim >A variable output for breps
F77ByValue< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Trivial flagging above or below a certain value for derived quantities using a transformation function in Fortran-77
F77ELCGFMBoundary< VectorType, dim >
F77ExactBase< VectorType, dim >
F77ExactSolution< VectorType, dim >Generic interface to function returning the exact solution
F77FileExactSolution< VectorType, dim >Application of initial conditions
F77FileInitialCondition< VectorType, dim >Application of initial conditions
F77FileInput< VectorType, dim >A variable input for arbitrary equations
F77FileOutput< VectorType, dim >A variable output for arbitrary equations
F77GFMBoundary< VectorType, dim >Application of internal boundary conditions with Fortran-77 routines
F77GFMExactSolution< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Generic interface to function returning the exact solution for ghost fluid method
F77GFMFileOutput< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >A variable output for arbitrary equations using a transformation function in Fortran-77 for the ghost fluid method
F77GFMInterpolation< VectorType, dim >Call a dimension-dependent Cartesian interpolation routine in Fortran-77
F77GFMLevelSet< DataType, dim >Set a level set function to be used in a ghost fluid method in Fortran-77
F77InBase< VectorType, dim >
F77InitialCondition< VectorType, dim >Application of initial conditions
F77Interpolation< VectorType, dim >Call a dimension-dependent Cartesian interpolation routine in Fortran-77
F77LevelSetInitialCondition< VectorType, dim >Application of initial conditions based on a static level set
F77LevelTransfer< VectorType, dim >Call a dimension-dependent prolongation and restriction routines in Fortran-77
F77LimiterType< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Computes a slope-limiter-like refinement criterion for derived quantities using a transformation function in Fortran-77
F77MRPrediction< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Computes the MR prediction for derived quantities using a transformation function in Fortran-77
F77OutBase< VectorType, dim >
F77RelativeError< VectorType, Fixup, FlagType, dim >Computes the relative error for derived quantities using a transformation function in Fortran-77
F77ScaledGradient< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Computes the scaled gradient for derived quantities using a transformation function in Fortran-77
F77UpdateLevelTransfer< VectorType, dim >Call a dimension-dependent update routine after prolongation and restriction in Fortran-77
FileInput< VectorType, dim >Generic base-class for reading data from a file into a grid function
FileOutput< VectorType, dim >Generic base-class for dumping a grid function into a file
Fixup< VectorType, FixupType, 1 >Dimensional specialization of FixupBase
Fixup< VectorType, FixupType, 2 >Dimensional specialization of FixupBase
Fixup< VectorType, FixupType, 3 >Dimensional specialization of FixupBase
FixupBase< VectorType, FixupType, dim >Generic base-class for the conservative correction
FixupOps< VectorType, FixupType, 1 >Dimensional spezialization of GridData-operations for implementation of conservative correction
FixupOps< VectorType, FixupType, 2 >Dimensional spezialization of GridData-operations for implementation of conservative correction
FixupOps< VectorType, FixupType, 3 >Dimensional spezialization of GridData-operations for implementation of conservative correction
Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Generic base-class for flagging
FlagRegions< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Flagging of rectangular regions
Geom< DataType, dim >Geometric operations for list of points needed for point-wise interpolation
GFMBoundary< VectorType, 2 >Two-dimensional specification of ghost fluid method base class
GFMBoundary< VectorType, 3 >Three-dimensional specification of ghost fluid method base class
GFMBoundaryBase< VectorType, dim >Generic base-class to set internal boundary conditions based on a scalar level set
GFMExactSolution< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Generic base-class for GFM to compare the numerical solution with an exact one
GFMFileOutput< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Generic base-class for dumping a grid function into a file
GFMGeom< DataType, 2 >Two-dimensional specification of geometric operations for level set methods
GFMGeom< DataType, 3 >Three-dimensional specification of geometric operations for level set methods
GFMGeomBase< DataType, dim >Geometric operations for list of points needed for level set methods
GFMLevelSet< DataType, dim >Generic base-class to set a scalar level set function
GhostFluidMethod< VectorType, dim >Generic base-class for ghost-fluid schemes
InitialCondition< VectorType, dim >Generic base-class for initial conditions
Integrator< VectorType, dim >Generic base-class for application of the numerical method
Interpolation< VectorType, dim >Generic base class for point interpolation on a single grid
LevelTransfer< VectorType, dim >Generic base-class for prolongation/restriction operations
LimiterCriterion< VectorType, FlagType, 1 >One-dimensional routine to compute a slope-limiter-like refinement criterion
LimiterCriterion< VectorType, FlagType, 2 >Two-dimensional routine to compute a slope-limiter-like refinement criterion
LimiterCriterion< VectorType, FlagType, 3 >Three-dimensional routine to compute a slope-limiter-like refinement criterion
LimiterType< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Compute a slope-limiter-like refinement criterion
minus_1< 1 >
minus_1< 2 >
minus_1< 3 >
MRPrediction< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Evaluates MR prediction operator
MRVectorPrediction< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Evaluates vector-valued MR prediction operator
MultiCPTLevelSet< DataType, dim >Transformation of a static complex boundaries with the closest-point-transform into a level set function
MultiStatCPTLevelSet< DataType, dim >Transformation of a static complex boundaries with the closest-point-transform into a level set function
Patch< dim >
PhiCriterion< VectorType, FlagType, 1 >One-dimensional routines to detect an underresolved level-set function
PhiCriterion< VectorType, FlagType, 2 >Two-dimensional routines to detect an underresolved level-set function
PhiCriterion< VectorType, FlagType, 3 >Three-dimensional routines to detect an underresolved level-set function
RefinePhi< VectorType, Fixup, FlagType, dim >Flag cells where level set function changes sign
RelativeError< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >Computes the relative error
ResolvePhi< VectorType, Fixup, FlagType, dim >Flagging based on underresolved level-set functions
ScaledGradient< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Computes the scaled gradient
SchemeAbsoluteError< SchemeType, Fixup, FlagType, dim >Computes the absolute error for derived quantities using a transformation function
SchemeBase< vector_type, dim >Basic class for derivation of Cartesian schemes
SchemeBoundaryConditions< SchemeType, dim >Boundary conditions based on SchemeType
SchemeBrepOutput< SchemeType, dim >A variable output for breps
SchemeByValue< SchemeType, FlagType, dim >Trivial flagging above or below a certain value for derived quantities using a transformation function
SchemeExactSolution< SchemeType, dim >Exact solution based on SchemeType
SchemeFileInput< SchemeType, dim >A variable input for arbitrary equations
SchemeFileOutput< SchemeType, dim >A variable output for arbitrary equations
SchemeGFMBoundary< SchemeType, dim >Internal boundary conditions based on SchemeType
SchemeGFMFileOutput< SchemeType, FixupType, FlagType, dim >A variable output for SchemeType with ghost fluid method
SchemeInBase< SchemeType, dim >
SchemeInitialCondition< SchemeType, dim >Initial conditions based on SchemeType
SchemeIntegrator< SchemeType, dim >Class for calling a Cartesian scheme during the update step
SchemeLimiterType< SchemeType, FlagType, dim >Computes a slope-limiter-like refinement criterion for derived quantities using a transformation function
SchemeOutBase< SchemeType, dim >
SchemeRelativeError< SchemeType, Fixup, FlagType, dim >Computes the relative error for derived quantities using a transformation function
SchemeScaledGradient< SchemeType, FlagType, dim >Computes the scaled gradient for derived quantities using a transformation function
SolverInterface-class for instationary methods
SolverControlControls a generic instationary solver
StatCPTLevelSet< DataType, dim >Transformation of a static complex boundary with the closest-point-transform into a level set function
StdCriterion< VectorType, FlagType, 1 >One-dimensional routines to compute the scaled gradient and flag above a threshold
StdCriterion< VectorType, FlagType, 2 >Two-dimensional routines to compute the scaled gradient and flag above a threshold
StdCriterion< VectorType, FlagType, 3 >Three-dimensional routines to compute the scaled gradient and flag above a threshold
UnflagPhi< VectorType, Fixup, FlagType, dim >Flag cells where level set function changes sign
UnflagRegions< VectorType, FlagType, dim >Unflagging of rectangular regions
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:19:28 2016 for AMROC Fluid-solver Framework by  doxygen 1.6.3