Algorithms and Data Structures Package - Documentation

The ADS package is composed of a number of sub-packages. All classes and functions are in the ads namespace. There are some general purpose sub-packages:

Other sub-packages are preliminary or ad hoc.


The following compilers are supported:

This library is ANSI compliant. (Hence the note about ANSI flags above. If your code is not ANSI compliant, then you would not want to use these flags.) In theory, the code should compile on any platform/compiler combination that supports ANSI C++. In practice, I am sure that this is not the case. In the future I will test the code with additional compilers to improve its portability.

The top-level directory of this package is called ads. Each sub-package has its own sub-directory. For example, the array package is in the array directory. Each sub-package has a header file in the top-level directory that includes all the classes and functions for that package. For the array package, this file is array.h. To use the array package, one would add:

#include "ads/array.h"
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:51 2016 for Algorithms and Data Structures Package by  doxygen 1.6.3