Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AdaptedIterator< _Iterator, IteratorCategory, ValueType, DifferenceType, Pointer, Reference >A base class for all adapted iterators
Address< Object >A functor for taking the address of an object
Array< N, T, A >A multi-array of type T in N dimensions
Array< 1, T, A >A 1-D array of type T
ArrayContainer< T, A >The interface to the container representation of arrays
ArrayIndexing< N, T >The indexing interface to N-D arrays
ArrayIndexing< 1, T >The indexing interface to 1-D arrays
ArrayIndexingBase< N >The indexing interface to N-D arrays that is independent of the value type
ArrayIndexingBase< 1 >The indexing interface to 1-D arrays. Independent of the value type
ArrayIndexIterator< N >An index iterator for an array
ArrayTypes< T >Defines types for arrays
ArrayWithNullHoles< T >A 1-D array with holes
binary_compose_binary_unary< F, G, H >Binary function composition of a binary and unary functions: f(g(x),h(y))
binary_compose_unary_binary< F, G >Binary function composition of a unary and binary function: f(g(x,y))
BinaryConstant< _FirstArgument, _SecondArgument, _Result >Binary functor that returns a constant
Dereference< Handle, Result >A functor for dereferencing a handle
EqualToByHandle< Handle >Functor for equality comparison of objects by their handles
EqualToByHandleHandle< Handle >Functor for equality comparison of objects by handles to their handles
Face_Halfedge_circ< Iterator >Halfedge circulator for the halfedges around a face
FixedArray< N, T >A fixed size array with size N and type T
FixedArray< 0, T >Partial template specialization for N = 0
FixedArray< 1, T >Partial template specialization for N = 1
FixedArray< 2, T >Partial template specialization for N = 2
FixedArray< 3, T >Partial template specialization for N = 3
GeneratorConstant< _Result >Generator that returns a constant
GeneratorConstant< void >Generator that returns void
GreaterByHandle< Handle >Functor for greater than comparison of objects by their handles
GreaterByHandleHandle< Handle >Functor for greater than comparison of objects by handles to their handles
GreaterEqualByHandle< Handle >Functor for greater than or equal to comparison of objects by their handles
GreaterEqualByHandleHandle< Handle >Functor for greater than or equal to comparison of objects by handles to their handles
HalfedgeDS< Vertex, Halfedge, Face >A halfedge data structure
HandleToPointer< Handle, Pointer >A functor for converting handles to pointers
HDSFace< HDS >A face in a halfedge data structure
HDSHalfedge< HDS >A halfedge in a halfedge data structure
HDSNode< HDS >A node in a halfedge data structure
HDSVertex< HDS >A vertex in a halfedge data structure
HeapHandleArray< DataConstIterator, HeapIterator >A functor for getting handles into a heap
Identity< T >The identity functor
IndexConstObject< Object >Index a const object
IndexIterator< N, T >An index iterator
IndexIteratorFunctor< RAIter >Index the iterator
IndexIterUnary< RAIter >Unary function for indexing an iterator
IndexObject< Object >Index the object
IndexRange< N, T >An N-D index range class
IndirectIterator< _Iterator >An iterator that performs two dereferences in operator*()
IndirectIterator2< _Iterator >An iterator that performs three dereferences in operator*()
IntIterator< T >A random access iterator over an integer type
IntSetSparse< T >A set of integers
less_composite< N, PointType >Compare the i coordinate of a N-dimensional composite number
LessByHandle< Handle >Functor for less than comparison of objects by their handles
LessByHandleHandle< Handle >Functor for less than comparison of objects by handles to their handles
LessEqualByHandle< Handle >Functor for less than or equal to comparison of objects by their handles
LessEqualByHandleHandle< Handle >Functor for less than or equal to comparison of objects by handles to their handles
LessThanCompareCoordinate< Point >Less than comparison in a specified coordinate
MemFunIterator< _Iterator, Pointee, Result, Const >An iterator that calls a member function in operator*()
NotEqualToByHandle< Handle >Functor for inequality comparison of objects by their handles
NotEqualToByHandleHandle< Handle >Functor for inequality comparison of objects by handles to their handles
ObjectAndBlankSpace< _Object, _BlankSpaceSize >Useful for avoiding false sharing
OrderedPair< T >OrderedPair holds two objects of the same arbitrary type
ParseOptionsArgumentsClass for parsing command line options and arguments
PriorityQueue< T, Key, GetKey, CompareKeys, Sequence >A base class for priority queues
PriorityQueueBinaryHeap< T, Key, GetKey, CompareKeys, Sequence >A priority queue implemented with a binary heap
PriorityQueueBinaryHeapArray< T, Key, GetKey, CompareKeys, Sequence >A binary heap priority queue for the data in an array
PriorityQueueBinaryHeapDynamicKeys< T, GetHandle, Key, GetKey, CompareKeys, Sequence >A priority queue with dynamic keys implemented with a binary heap
PriorityQueueBinaryHeapStoreKeys< T, Key, GetKey, CompareKeys, Sequence >A priority queue implemented with a binary heap that stores the keys
PriorityQueueCellArray< T, Key, GetKey, Container >A priority queue utilizing a cell array
Select1st< Pair >Functor for selecting the first element of a pair
Select2nd< Pair >Functor for selecting the second element of a pair
SelectElement< Sequence, N >Functor for selecting an element of a sequence
SparseArray< 1, T >A sparse array of type T in 1 dimension
SparseArray< 2, T >A sparse array of type T in 2-D
SparseArraySigned< 1, T >A sparse array of type T in 1 dimension
SquareMatrix< N, T >An NxN matrix
SquareMatrix< 1, T >A 1x1 matrix
SquareMatrix< 2, T >A 2x2 matrix
SquareMatrix< 3, T >A 3x3 matrix
StaticArrayOfArrays< T >A static array of arrays
SubtractiveRNGSubtractive random number generator
TensorTypes< T >A base class that defines types for all tensors
TimerA timer that measures ellapsed time in seconds
TransformIterator< _Iterator, _Transform >A transform iterator
Triplet< T1, T2, T3 >Triplet holds three objects of arbitrary type
TrivialAssignableA trivial assignable object
TrivialOutputIteratorA trivial output iterator
TrivialOutputIteratorCountA trivial output iterator that counts assignments
unary_compose_binary_unary< F, G, H >Unary function composition of a binary and unary functions: f(g(x),h(x))
unary_compose_unary_unary< F, G >Unary function composition of two unary functions: f(g(x))
UnaryConstant< _Argument, _Result >Unary functor that returns a constant
UnaryLinear< T >Linear functor
UniformRandom< T >Uniformly distributed random numbers
UniformRandomBaseThe base class manages the subtractive random number generator
UniformRandomInteger< T >Implementation for integer types
UniformRandomPoint< N, T >Uniform random points in N-D
UniformRandomReal< T >Implementation for real (floating point) number types
xless_composite< PointType >Compare x coordinate using the composite number (x,y,z)
yless_composite< PointType >Compare y coordinate using the composite number (y,z,x)
zless_composite< PointType >Compare z coordinate using the composite number (z,x,y)
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:51 2016 for Algorithms and Data Structures Package by  doxygen 1.6.3