File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
AdaptedIterator.h [code]A base class for all adapted iterators
Address.h [code]Contains a functor for dereferencing handles to objects
algorithm.h [code]Includes the algorithm files
Array.h [code]A class for an N-D array
array.h [code]Includes the array classes
Array1.h [code]A class for a 1-D array
ArrayContainer.h [code]The interface to the container representation of arrays
ArrayIndexing.h [code]The indexing interface to arrays
ArrayIndexingBase.h [code]Base class for indexing
ArrayIndexingBase1.h [code]Base class for indexing. 1-D specialization
ArrayIndexIterator.h [code]An array index iterator
ArrayTypes.h [code]Defines types for arrays
ArrayWithNullHoles.h [code]A class for an N-D sparse array
circulator.h [code]Halfedge circulators for the halfedge data structure
compare_handle.h [code]Contains comparison functors for handles to objects
compose.h [code]Contains functors for composing other functors
composite_compare.h [code]Implements functions and classes for a comparing composite numbers
constant.h [code]Functors that return a constant
coordinateCompare.h [code]Implements functions and classes for a comparing composite numbers
counter.h [code]Includes the counter classes
defs.h [code]Definitions for the ADS package
Dereference.h [code]Contains a functor for dereferencing handles to objects
extremeElement.h [code]ExtremeElement functions
FixedArray.h [code]A fixed size array class
FixedArray0.h [code]0-D specialization for FixedArray
FixedArray1.h [code]1-D specialization for FixedArray
FixedArray2.h [code]2-D specialization for FixedArray
FixedArray3.h [code]3-D specialization for FixedArray
functor.h [code]Includes the functor files
halfedge.h [code]Includes the halfedge data structure classes
HalfedgeDS.h [code]Class for a halfedge data structure
HandleToPointer.h [code]Contains a functor for converting handles to pointers
HDSFace.h [code]Class for a face in a halfedge data structure
HDSHalfedge.h [code]Class for a halfedge in a halfedge data structure
HDSNode.h [code]Class for a node in a halfedge data structure
HDSVertex.h [code]Class for a vertex in a halfedge data structure
HeapHandleArray.h [code]Implements a functor for getting handles into a heap
Identity.h [code]The identity functor
index.h [code]Contains functors for indexing iterators and objects
indexedPriorityQueue.h [code]Includes the indexed priority queue classes
IndexIterator.h [code]An array index iterator
IndexRange.h [code]A class for an N-D range of indices
IndirectIterator.h [code]An iterator that performs two dereferences in operator*()
insertion_sort.h [code]Contains the insertion_sort() functions
IntIterator.h [code]A random access iterator over an integer type
IntSetSparse.h [code]A set of integers
is_sorted.h [code]Contains the is_sorted() functions
iterator.h [code]Includes the iterator files
linear.h [code]Linear functors
MemFunIterator.h [code]An iterator that calls a member function in operator*()
min_max.h [code]Contains min and max functions for more than two arguments
ObjectAndBlankSpace.h [code]Useful for avoiding false sharing
OrderedPair.h [code]The ordered pair data structure
ParseOptionsArguments.h [code]Class for parsing command line options and arguments
priority_queue.h [code]Includes the priority queue classes
PriorityQueue.h [code]Implements a base class for priority queues
PriorityQueueBinaryHeap.h [code]Implements a class for a binary heap
PriorityQueueBinaryHeapArray.h [code]A binary heap priority queue for the data in an array
PriorityQueueBinaryHeapDynamicKeys.h [code]Implements a class for a binary heap with dynamic keys
PriorityQueueBinaryHeapStoreKeys.h [code]Implements a class for a binary heap
PriorityQueueCellArray.h [code]Implements a class for a priority queue using a cell array
select.h [code]Selecting elements from a pair
set.h [code]Includes the set data structure classes
sign.h [code]Contains the sign function
skipElements.h [code]Contains the areElementsSkipElements() functions
sort.h [code]Contains the sorting functions
SparseArray.h [code]A class for an N-D sparse array
SparseArray1.h [code]A class for a 1-D sparse array
SparseArray2.h [code]A class for a 2-D sparse array
SparseArraySigned.h [code]Sparse array with a signed null value
SparseArraySigned1.h [code]A class for a 1-D sparse array with signed values
SquareMatrix.h [code]A square matrix class
StaticArrayOfArrays.h [code]A class for a static array of arrays
statistics.h [code]Statistics functions
string.h [code]String utility functions
tensor.h [code]Includes the tensor classes
TensorTypes.h [code]A base class that defines types for all tensors
Timer.h [code]Implements a class for a timer
timer.h [code]Includes the Timer class
TransformIterator.h [code]A transform iterator
Triplet.h [code]The Triplet data structure
TrivialAssignable.h [code]A trivial assignable object
TrivialOutputIterator.h [code]A trivial output iterator
UniformRandom.h [code]Uniformly distributed random numbers
unique.h [code]Contains the areElementsUnique() functions
utility.h [code]Includes the utility files
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:52 2016 for Algorithms and Data Structures Package by  doxygen 1.6.3